Our Partners

We work with a range of partners across our programmes and schemes.

We have well established relationships with;

  • Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST)
  • Health Education and improvement Wales (HEIW)
  • Strategic Programme for Primary Care

Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST)

In 2019, in partnership with WAST we embarked on a once for Wales Welsh Government funded Pacesetter project.

We continue to work with WAST to develop their Advanced Paramedic Practitioners (APPs) workforce.

You can find out more about this project here

Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW)

HEIW are a critical friend, colleague and advocate for our Academy. We have been working with colleagues in HEIW to develop our Academy programmes and schemes and to share our learning along the way.  At BCUHB we are one of the first health boards to embrace and core fund the Academy model in order to offer a dedicated team and resource to focus on the Skills, Education, Training and Supervision (SETS) of our workforce in Primary Care in more coordinated manner.

Strategic Programme for Primary Care

The Strategic Programme for Primary Care Team have welcomed the findings from our WAST collaborative Pacesetter programme as citied in the Primary and Community Care Allied Health Professions (AHP) Workforce Guidance: Organising principles to optimise utilisation.


From the outset the Academy has worked with the clusters, identifying opportunities to introduce new roles, establish stronger links and collaborative working. Clusters have been instrumental in developing the schemes to meet their local needs.

Independent and Health Board Practices

The Academy has established strong links across a number of independent and health board practices through the establishment of the Pacesetter project and Internship scheme and has established a number of primary care Training Hubs. The Training Hub with a dedicated Clinical Practice Development team funded by the Academy supports a cohort of students and trainees.

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