
HEIW Pharmacy training programmes for GP practices

The Pharmacy Deanery of Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) supports education and training for the whole pharmacy workforce in Wales from undergraduate through to consultant level practice. The GP practice sector within primary care is very much involved in supporting the development of the pharmacy workforce at all levels and are recognised as key stakeholders and partners to ensure all learners receive a robust and rounded experience during their training. Primary care training provides an opportunity for the pharmacy workforce to gain a mutual recognition and understanding of other profession's roles and capabilities in maximising the delivery of patient care and clinical services. The sections below summarise the current training programmes within the Pharmacy Deanery, what’s involved and the funding arrangements. The links associated with each programme will provide more detailed information or you can use the appropriate email address to get in contact

Pharmacy Undergraduate (MPharm)

Who can supervise? Pharmacist supervision is desirable

Who employs the individual? N/A as UG placement

How long will learner be at practice? 5-day placement blocks per student throughout the 4 year MPharm

Expected hours of supervision: Initially, direct supervision will be required. As the student progresses through the MPharm programme, they will be entrusted to undertake activities with minimal, reactive supervision

Learner capabilities whilst on programme: Students will undertake clinical activities under the supervision of a trained supervisor. Semesters run from September to December then January to May

Specific requirements & Other Information: Placements are not observational - students are required to engage in activities that enable them to collaboratively contribute to patient care under supervision to demonstrate competencies. Expressions of interest in Spring

Available Funding: £600 per student per week – To be paid by university

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Foundation Trainee Pharmacist (FTP)

Who can supervise? Pharmacist supervision is essential

Who employs the individual? HEIW via NHS Wales shared services

How long will learner be at practice? 1 year programme split into three four monthly rotations

Expected hours of supervision: Weekly meeting required with trainee plus portfolio review, at most this would be half a day a week

Learner capabilities whilst on programme: Trainees will undertake clinical activities under supervision however once demonstrated competence will be able to collaboratively contribute to patient care under supervision of practice pharmacist

Specific requirements & Other Information: Designated supervisor annual training, trainees recruited through Oriel, recruitment costs paid by HEIW, trainees employed via single lead employment model. Expressions of interest in January

Available Funding: Grants up to £9000 p/a if three trainees hosted (One per rotation), if 3 or more trainee at site additional £3000 p/a Training Co-ordinator Payment

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Post Registration Foundation Pharmacist (PRFP)

Who can supervise? Pharmacist supervision is desirable, but GP supervision will be considered by HEIW/Cardiff University

Who employs the individual? GP Practice

How long will learner be at practice? 2 Year programme

Expected hours of supervision: 1 day a month is dedicated to learner support

Learner capabilities whilst on programme: Pharmacists will be newly qualified or maximum of 2 years qualified, complete IP award in year 2 of programme

Specific requirements & Other Information: GP organisations advertise post and recruit own employee for Sept 24 and Jan 25 intakes onto programme Expressions of interest in Nov/Dec

Available Funding: Training grant available to provide protective time for pharmacist and practice supervisor 24/25 programme: Year 1 £11,500 Year 2 £15,878 Total £27,378

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Independent Prescribing (IP)

Who can supervise? Trainee pharmacist IP requires a Designated prescribing practitioner (DPP) GP/ANP/ Paramedic / Practice Pharmacist

Who employs the individual? Another GP practice or community pharmacy employer

How long will learner be at practice? 90 hours

Expected hours of supervision: 90 hours of supervised practice agreed with DPP and trainee IP pharmacist

Learner capabilities whilst on programme: Will vary dependant on current registrant experience

Specific requirements & Other Information: DPP must have been prescribing regularly for at least three years within the same scope of practice as the trainee IP pharmacist. Expressions of interest throughout the year as required

Available Funding: £3000 per trainee (if based in a community pharmacy) maximum of 2 trainees per GP practice especially if supporting other trainees

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