Conferences abstract and poster submissions


A timeline and guide to establishing a Multi-disciplinary Skills Education and Training Hub in a Health Board Managed Practice in North West Wales

RCGP Annual Conference (Glasgow)

October 2023

Learning from national workforce challenges and defining local needs – GP Plus (GP+), a workforce programme for the future

RCGP Annual Conference (Glasgow)

October 2023

Life after Pacesetter – A Business as usual rotational model for Advanced Paramedic Practitioners in Primary Care

RCGP Annual Conference (Glasgow)

October 2023

Embedding research into a GP practice in North Wales

RCN International Nursing Research Conference (Manchester)

September 2023

The General Practice Nurse Foundation Programme – An all Wales approach to workforce sustainability and development

RCN Education Forum & Exhibition (Birmingham)

April 2023

Designing and implementing inter-disciplinary primary care training hubs in North Wales to enhance nurse education and professional development

RCN Education Forum & Exhibition (Birmingham)

April 2023

How perseverance is key in Primary Care - Can we recruit them? Yes we can!

Health and Care Research Wales Support & Delivery Event (Cardiff)

March 2023


Final results of an evaluation of the Pacesetter Advanced Paramedic Practitioner (APP) Rotation

EMS2022 (Glasgow)

May 2022


Advanced Paramedics in Practice In Primary Care

RCGP Annual Conference (Liverpool)

October 2021

Learning how to integrate care:  Setting up a rotational model of Advanced Paramedic Practice through the North Wales Pacesetter Collaboration

College of Paramedics National Conference (virtual)

May 2021

The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire as a measure of Advanced Paramedic Practitioner satisfaction with a three part rotational model of working

999 EMS Research Forum conference (virtual)

March 2021

Designing and implementing an educational framework for Advanced Paramedics rotating in Primary Care in North Wales

RCGP A fresh approach (virtual)

February 2021

Developing the APPs in Primary Care

RCGP A fresh approach (virtual)

February 2021


The impact of Advanced Paramedic Practitioners in Primary Care

PRIME Centre Wales (virtual)

November 2020

More than an extra pair of hands – early findings from the APP Pacesetter programme

Health and Care Research Wales (virtual)

October 2020

Implementation of the Rotational Model

International Round Table on Community Paramedicine (Leicester)

March 2020

Evaluation of a rotational model of Advanced Paramedic Practice in North Wales: a Logic Model approach to demonstrate effectiveness

999 EMS Research Forum conference (Brighton)

March 2020

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