Practice Management orientation

The Practice Management orientation programme launched in 2024 and is an online event that invites practice managers and primary care colleagues to hear from a variety of speakers and departments providing a detailed orientation to primary care in north Wales.

Next orientation will be in January 2025, date to be announced soon! 

What to expect

The day will focus on presentation across a number of services and departments to cover a variety of key topics that will help you within your role as a practice manager.

Speakers in past sessions have covered;

  • Contracting
  • Health and Safety
  • NHS Wales Shared Service Partnership (NWSSP) Patient data
  • Finance
  • Clusters and collaboratives
  • Occupational Health
  • Governance
  • Primary and Community Care Academy

Feedback from past sessions

All attendees rated the session good or great with two-thirds scoring it as great

It was so nice to have relevant content! Everything was relevant. Thank you
…It was useful to put names to faces and learn about the different areas within BCU and their hierarchies. Lots of useful contacts, and a good overview.

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