Research and Innovation

Primary Care Advanced Practice Competency Framework

This framework will describe the competencies required across primary care and map them to roles and the professionals.

It provides a comprehensive range of skills and knowledge underpinned with the detail of the competency to be achieved and is a tool that can be used by professional and managerial leads to identify development opportunities/needs and personal development plans.

The aim of the framework is to be multifunctional and to be used in a number of different ways including:

  • One off assessment tool to identify development needs
  • Assessment and monitoring tool to support ongoing development needs as part of a training role
  • Assess, Monitor and evidence competency through each identified domain via the completion of the evident portfolio

The Framework has been developed by a small task and finish group brought together for developing the content and trialling the framework across professional groups within primary care. Recognising the range of professionals working in primary care, the model for primary care, the multidisciplinary team and the multi-setting practitioner.

This work is now being taken forward by HEIW to be adopted on a national basis.

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