Education and Mentorship

Do you have an interest in developing the current and next generation of primary care practitioners be that GP, Nurse, Medic, Physiotherapist, Pharmacist, OT, Physician Associate or Paramedic? Do you enjoy teaching and mentoring others and still want to do the GP day job? Then this could be the training role for you.

The Education and Mentorship programme will support you to undertake a PG Cert in Medical Education and the GP Trainer course by Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW).

Your job plan will include dedicated time for the clinical and educational supervision of trainees and the clinical team in the host practices.

Objectives & Training

Undertake the Medical Education (PG Cert) qualification

Undertake the HEIW GP Trainer course (if 3 years post Certificate of Completion of Training)

Dedicated time for education and mentorship of GP trainees and Advanced Clinical Practitoners within the Practice

Course Content

Please note, this is a guide to the general content of the Education & Mentorship GP+ programme and is subject to change based on training placements available and agreed job plan.


Quarter: 1

  • Induction/Welcome to the Practice.
  • Meeting with GP+ team – GP+ Programme overview
  • Finalising job plan
  • Identifying learning and development needs
  • Meet mentor
  • First peer support group meeting
  • Commence Medical Education (PG Cert)

Quarter: 2

  • Peer support group meeting
  • Medical Education (PG Cert)

Quarter: 3

  • Peer support group meeting
  • Medical Education (PG Cert)
  • Meet with practice management and GP+ team to plan for stepping off the training course

Quarter:  4

  • Peer support group meeting
  • Complete Medical Education (PG Cert)


Towards the end of your training programme the GP+ team will meet with you and the practice management team to agree next steps and discuss what support is required once you step off the programme. ​

Although stepping off the programme could look different for each GP, your salaried GP role is guaranteed and your salary will be reviewed. It is envisioned that for the Education and Mentorship GP role you will continue to work within the practice with dedicated and protected time to continue the education and mentorship of trainees and the practices clinical team.

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